An Exercise In Futility
Back when I discussed my 2012 setup, I mentioned that it is working well for me with the exception of the Filofax day per page inserts cramming Saturday and Sunday together on one page. I also mentioned that I had something up my sleeve to combat this annoyance. So what is this idea, you ask? Ever since reading about J’s setup , I have been coveting the Franklin Covey day per page inserts . The only problem with the FC inserts is that they are wider than the Filofax personal size binders and inserts, thus creating a slight overhang of the FC pages in any Filofax personal binder. But I had a plan for that too—I decided I would trim and repunch the FC inserts. “But wait,” I hear you say. “Didn’t you do this already?” To that I say, “ Yes, I did. ” And now you say, “But didn’t you end up not liking them?” And to that I say, “ That is also correct. ” My main gripe with the first round of trimming and repunching FC inserts...