The Dilemma, The Decision
So, it has been a week since posting about my big insert dilemma . After this week I have come to a conclusion about the DayRunner inserts . I love the layout of these inserts. They work well as far as providing much needed space for everything I keep track of in a day. However, I just can’t get over how small the spacing is between lines. True, maybe eventually I would get used to it. But how long do I have to go on testing this theory if I’m not enjoying the act of writing on the pages to begin with? For now, I have returned to the Filofax 2 pages per day layout . However… Zoe’s recent post got me to thinking. Franklin Covey offers some great inserts as well. Really, the only reason I have not used them in the past is because they are a little wider than the Filofax inserts. So while they fit into a personal Filofax binder, they run to just about the edge of the binder (unlike the Filofax inserts which are narrow enough to leave some space between their edge and the edge of the bin...