Pocket Perfection?
So I thought I was all set with the format I have been using – personal size, week on two pages and month on two pages. It has been working well for me – everything in one binder, all easily accessible at any time. Until. There have been lots and lots of talk about the pocket size binders. With more to posts come, I’m sure. In terms of Filofax organizers, I always want what others have , mainly because they look so delicious and perfectly organized or perfectly messy, depending on the situation. I’m so highly organized that my own planner always looks as pristine as a used planner can look. There aren’t too many papers stuffed into it, and if there are, they are put neatly into the front pocket or folded nicely and put at the back of the planner. So, organized planners catch my eye because they are like mine. But messy ones catch my eye also because they are not like mine. Either way, I want what someone else has and tend to think my own planner and system are just useless and mund...