Post-Vacation Blues

I have returned from vacation and I quite depressed about it. I’m always a little blue when my vacations are over, mainly because I so rarely get an actual leave-the-house, leave-the-area vacation. But this particular annual vacation always makes me sad because it’s the one place where I can really and truly unwind and let go. A week there is never enough time. From the moment I walked in the door at home, I felt the familiar pull and tug of my routine and my life – all the things that need to be done and the places I need to be in the upcoming days and weeks. I was a little slow to get started on them, taking my time and easing into everything. But it seems that when I’m home, I can only think about all of the things that I should be accomplishing. This prohibits me from fully relaxing.

I have promised myself and my husband that the craziness would stop after vacation, that I would no longer plan as much and above all else, stop putting so much pressure on myself to “get things done.” But home is just one place I cannot truly relax because of the constant reminders of everything else that is calling to me.

With all of that said, I did have a wonderful vacation. My mind is still in Vermont even if my body is back on Long Island. It will probably be this way for the rest of the week.

While preparing for my vacation, I made lists of all the things I would need to pack. It came in handy the morning of our departure – I crossed off items on my list as they were packed or placed aside to be packed. It made the morning run very smoothly.

I had it in mind that while away, I wouldn’t look at my Filo much. I did take it (my new personal Guildford – pictures to come) and I left it open on the dresser and did use it every day. I used my Daily Planner sheets to write down any exercise activity I did – swimming, running, walking, kayaking, etc. I also wrote down the special things we did, like visiting certain places and/or stores. When things get too crazy at home, I can look back on these sheets and remember the fun activities we did while away and see that nothing was “planned.” I should do that more often, plan to do nothing.

Tomorrow is my last day of vacation. Tuesday I return to work. To celebrate my last day off, I’m going to hit my newly-found Filofax retailer. I hope they have their 2011 stock, as that is what I’m currently after. But even if they don’t, it will be great fun to go in and just see the items they have available. In the end, this may get me into trouble, but to hell with it. It is what it is, right? And I can always justify a purchase with It’s a pick-me-up from my post-vacation blues, though in reality, it won’t change how I’m feeling.

Look for a review of the store’s stock some time tomorrow!
