365 Days (Almost) of Filo Photos

It has been a year now since I started doing the Filo (or Planner) Photo of the Day challenge . I never thought I’d make it through a year. I figured I’d give up somewhere along the way. I have to say that I have loved doing this. Following a daily photo challenge not only gives me an opportunity to be creative throughout the day, it has also forced me to look at the world differently: each day, each time I go outside, or even if I’m inside, I am given the chance to look at the world through the camera lens (or at least the camera lens of an iPhone). Everywhere I look, I am now looking for that golden photo opportunity. I have seen so many in a year. And it has started a new hobby. I am by no means a professional photographer, or even a good photographer. I am mediocre at best. I am lucky to get the shot at all, really. But the point (for me) isn’t so much the shot of a lifetime, as it is looking at the world in a new ...