Planning and Organizing Projects and Hobbies

A few posts ago, I got a comment from a reader asking me to do a post on how I organize and plan my fun things. I had to think about this a little because, while I do plan and organize some things, other just kind of fall into place. So what follows isn’t necessarily a complete list of my “fun things,” but it’s a place to start. As planners, we (or I) tend to plan and organize just about everything. My family always jokes that if I were ever committed of a crime, they could defend me by showing my planner to the judge and jury and saying “If it’s not in the planner, it didn’t happen.” This is (sadly, perhaps) true, though only to an extent. While many things—most things—are planned, some are not. I guess it depends on what can be constituted as a planned event or something that just happens. (In those cases, I fill in the event later, for record-keeping purposes; it’s fun to look back and see what I did on any given date.) Things...