Organization in January
The start of every year brings about a desire—maybe even a need —to organize a few things. I always start with the same three things: planner organization and updating, sorting through the list of blogs that I read, and purging old files and setting up new ones for the new year. Each January I start my year with setting up my planner for the new year , archiving old inserts , and doing a general sort-through of all of my planner gear. This year I went a little further and revamped my entire system , which meant revamping my entire collection—this is a procedure of “no binder left behind,” a purpose for every binder. This setup/revamp can happen in a day, or it can take me a few days, depending on how much I need to change up. Sometimes it doesn’t happen until after January since I typically don’t archive inserts until a month later. I guess it all depends on how big of an itch it is to reorganize everything. The second thing I do is sort thro...