Happy Holiday 2013!

This is my last post for 2013. I am taking a two-week hiatus, seeing as we have so much going on. In addition to general last-minute craziness, we have family visiting from out of state, are hosting Christmas Eve dinner, will be going to a handful of gatherings at others’ homes, and will be going out of state to visit family ourselves. But I will return the first weekend of 2014. I have some great posts coming up in the New Year and maybe—just maybe—some new projects to plan for. I may (or may not, depending on how it goes) have a slightly new planner set up to discuss. I’m contemplating some changes but I want to think about it some more. Also, if it doesn’t work out, there won’t be much to discuss. So we shall see! My first post of 2014 will map out my goals for the year (as of right now—things change!). Additionally, I still need to post some of my 2013 organizing projects. I was able to get quite a few thi...