Project Binder Creation

A while back long time ago, a reader asked how I set up my project binders. (You can check out some of my project binders here .) It has taken me this long to write this post because I haven’t set up a project-specific binder in a while. I have lots of ideas for special binders, but the reality of actually creating them, well, that’s a different story—I don’t seem to have as much time to do that these days. (Oh, how I remember the days when I worked on nothing but setting up binders and section tabs and reorganizing my system … Sometimes I miss those little projects, but being happy with my system is more important and allows me to devote my time to so many other things.) Project binders—at least most—are one of those things that I have let go of, for the time being. However! I recently had the opportunity and need to set up another specific project binder. So I took some pictures during the process, and here I will explain tha...