
Showing posts from January, 2016

Organizing vs. Doing

I am an organized person by nature.   I don’t have to think too much about how to organize something, whether it be a spot in my house, a collection of items, or a project.   I simply look at what I need to do and a plan just sort of comes to me.   This is not to say, however, that I don’t teak whatever system it is that I have in place should the need arise.   Many times our needs change and/or our system evolves or changes organically simply because those needs change or because something isn’t working for us.   A system can always be a work in progress. I wasn’t always organized.   I remember my mother forcing me to clean my room every once in a while when I was young because it just got so ugly.   I hated those cleaning sessions.   I hated sorting through all of the dolls, all of the dolls’ clothing, the books, the accessories, the whatever.   It was such a process, an event that took the better part of the day to complete.   I ...

Where I’ve Been and Where I’m Going

Hello! Happy fall!   Happy holidays!   Happy New Year! It has been over three months (!) since my last post , unless you count my Philofaxy guest post , in which case it’s been over two months.   Either way, this is the longest I have ever gone without blogging.   I have both missed it and…not. I have missed the physical and creative aspects of writing, and I’ve missed the interaction with my readers and their comments.   However, I did not miss the stress I often put on myself to get a post published.   Typically, I average a post a week, and since the summer, I have not been able to do even that much.   I decided back then that I wasn’t going to stress over getting a post out just for the sake of doing it.   My mind was tired of forcing a post on a topic that I didn’t have much heart for just to publish something.   See, since I moved into a compact binder (specifically my two VDS binders, one and two ), and having other supp...