The Voluptuous Lady Godiva

…And I’m back! What have I been up to since my hiatus ? Well, I’ve been having a little bit of an affair… Like a fine woman, she has curves in all the right places. She is beautiful despite her lack of color and glamour. She has attitude when needed but is also quite and sweet. She’s a little bigger than what I am used to on a daily basis , but she provides me with everything I need. She is exquisite. And shiny. Introducing Lady Godiva (name chosen by Zoe -- if you're unfamiliar with the story of the real Lady Godiva, click here ), the personal Nude Original . I haven’t purchased a personal binder in a while, attracted to the slimmer compact binders as I am. I’m not usually a fan of patent leather either. But something about this binder’s naked shine attracted me. And then I saw A Pretty Obsession’s video review of this binder . That was the end of me. So I bit my lip, t...